Beer Die Rules

What you need to play beer die:

  • Beer of choice: probably avoid IPAs unless you're feeling dangerous

  • 4 players: we suggest playing with people you like

  • 4 Cups: beer die cups > plastic red solo cups

  • 2+ Dice: standard six-sided dice that are standard size (16mm) and square cornered for optimal bounces

  • 1 Table: official size (4ft x 8ft x 3ft), any surface works if it has decent bounces (avoid the standard gray fold up table unless you love disappointment)


How to set up beer die:

Place one cup in each corner of the table for each player. Fill each cup with one beer before the game starts.

Stand behind your cup, next to your partner on the same side of the table. Opponents stand on the opposite side of the table.

Make a halfway line to divide the table into two sides (a lot of tables have their own, but you can paint your own, tape one, or use your resources to create a line like rocks, sand, or bottle caps).

Roll a die, guess if it will be high (4,5,6) or low (1,2,3). The correct team starts on offense and gets both dice.

Agree on a height requirement for the game. Any toss below the height requirement will not count and the defensive team can shout "low" to let the tosser know it did not meet the height requirement. The higher the height line, the more fun you will have. Tossing it low is the equivalent of elbows in beer pong.

Finally dap up your opponents and wish them luck. There's a reason beer die is known as the gentleman's game

How to score in beer die:

To shoot you must use one hand to toss the dice underhand, from behind the table, and above the agreed upon height requirement. You should make sure the other team is ready by tapping your dice on the table and saying "dye up" to let them know you are about to toss. Each team gets two tosses (one for each player) during a turn.

After being tossed, the dice must first land on your opponent's side of the table in the air (the line counts as in).

If the dice doesn't hit the table, or hits your own side of the table, no points are awarded.

If the dice hits the opponent's side of the table it can bounce anywhere and is live.

If the dice hits the ground before the opponent catches it, the tossing team is awarded a point.

If the dice stays on the table with the 5 side of the dice facing up, the tossing team is awarded a point.

If the dice hits a cup and then the ground before the opponent catches it, the tossing team is awarded two points.

If the dice hits a cup and then stays on the table with the 5 side of the dice facing up, the tossing team is awarded two points.

If the dice goes into one a cup (regardless if it pops back out and is caught), the tossing team is awarded three points.

How to play defense in beer die:

To avoid getting scored on, a defensive player must use one hand to catch the dice. If a player uses two hands at the same, a point is awarded.

Defensive players must also avoid trapping the dice against their body or any nearby object. Any trap results in points for the tossing team.

Defensive players must not reach over the table to catch a dice. At no point can a player reach over the table and all catches must happen outside the 4ft x 8ft area of the game. If the tossing team thinks the defensive team reached over the table they can shout "table space" and the points are rewarded to the tossing team.

After a defensive player touches the dice, it can not hit the table again. If this happens points are rewarded to the tossing team.

After your cup has been sunk you are required to finish your beer and fill a new one. Once you get the dice out of your cup you can spit it out or roll it and if the 5 side of the dice is facing up, you have to finish another beer.

How to win in beer die:

Standard games are played to 9 points win by 2. The final score is really up to you and if people are waiting to toss.

The winning team must score the winning point on offense and can not win with a 1 pointer where the dice stays on the table and the 5 side is facing up.

Once the winning team has hit the agreed point total and is winning by 2 or more, the game is over unless you play with redemption.

All players should finish their beer and dap up the opponents. A common exchange is "gg" or "good scrap".

Beer die drinking rules:

Each player must drink 1-3 beers before the game is over, depending on what rules you decide. It is common to finish your beer every 3 points you get scored on so that the losing team finishes 3 beers once the opponent reaches 9 points.

Besides finishing your beer when sunk and at the end of the game, we believe the drinking amount is up to the players. When we play we drink every time we get scored on, when our cups are sunk or our partner's cup (solidarity), after rolling a 5 after a sink, or any time the dice lands as a 5 (on or off the table).

There is no wrong way to do it when you're doing some beers and tossing dice. You can also play without drinking!

Beer die scoring system:

0 Points : Any toss where the die lands short of the halfway line, does not hit the table, is not high enough, or is caught legally by a defender

1 Points : Hit the opponent's side of the table on the fly and the die hits the ground or stays on the table as a 5

2 Points : Hit the opponent's side of the table on the fly and hits into the cup (or hits the cup on a fly) and the die hits the ground or stays on the table as a 5

3 Points : Hit the opponent's side of the table on the fly and sinks into the cup (or sinks the cup on a fly)

Fun rules we've played:

Own Goals : If you toss it in your own cup or your partner's cup, you must finish and follow the sink drinking rules. Your team loses 3 points (you can have a negative score if the opponent chooses to subtract points)

Shutout : Losing team is punished for being shutout (or having a negative score if you play with own goals). Common punishments for this are shotgunning a beer, doing a naked lap, or paying the troll toll and sitting under the table for the entirety of the next game.

Clean Catches : No bobbling or passing of any kind, only clean catches by one partner on their first stab at the dice. As you get better, this is a very fun way to play, but we personally love the bobbles and enjoyment that comes from watching people struggle to find the dice.

Bobble Contact : If a defensive player bobbles the dice, the throwing team can light them up as they attempt to catch the dice after the bobble. Play this with caution as it is a recipe for injury.

Picks : Offensive players can stand their ground and set picks on defenders who are trying to catch the dice. If you are going to play this version make sure you love contact and aren't half the size of your opponent.

FIFAs : If the opponent airballs a toss, you can kick the dice on a fly to your partner and if they catch it you get a point (you can not win on this). This is a very controversial rule as a lot of purists refuse to play it. There are a ton of variations for this rule, but we had a lot of friends who played soccer so we never play it. In our opinion, you should be encouraged for trying to sink a cup and not penalized by barely missing and a FIFA by the other team. If you are going to play with FIFA, we suggest capping it at one per game or doing cumulative FIFAs where you have to do one more pass than the previous FIFA to get the next point.

Final Thoughts:

​Beer Die was once coined the gentleman's game and should be treated as such. For any dispute, the best thing to do is agree what is fair (a re-toss, points, etc.). Arguing, cheating and fighting are strongly discouraged and not meant for the game of beer die. Lastly, these rules are the standard rules we were taught and by no means the Bible. One of the most fun parts of beer die is learning all the fun rules different people and regions have and incorporating the stuff you like into your own rules. Beer die has brought us a ton of great memories and laughs over the years and we are sure it will do the same for you, especially now that you can toss anywhere with our portable table!